Tag: Programming
All the articles with the tag "Programming".
Yes, it counts.
Published: at 02:27 PMYour skillset and background is uniquely your own and it counts. Never sell yourself short becuase of it.
Using Web Scraping to Create a Patch Notes Bot in Python
Published: at 12:00 AMAn exploration of my Ahri bot project which covers the implementation of core program logic, as well as the steps taken in deployment to allow it to function continually off an unsupervised device.
"Proper" Languages: Who Does This Help?
Published: at 12:00 AMA critique of the concept of "proper" technologies in programming spaces and their potential role in perpetuating gatekeeping towards newcomers.
Digitizing Sprites and Textures Through Code for DOOMify
Published: at 12:00 AMA technical article which explores DOOMify and describes the logic behind the color quantization algorithm that it relies on.
Code it to Learn it: Using Programming as a Study Tool
Published: at 12:00 AMA reflection on my time spent working on BaseTrainer and the usefulness of programming as a means to help understand new concepts being learned or studied.